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Bücher zur Politikwissenschaft



Stimmen zum Buch
Ruth Wodak, Em. Professor Dr DDr h.c. Ruth Wodak, FAcSS, Distinguished Professor and Chair in Discourse Studies, Lancaster University/University Vienna, 2020
Religion has become a most important factor in current political debates and is instrumentalized in various ways globally and glocally, in different countries, always dependent on socio-political interests and historical trajectories. The contributions in this volume illustrate in much detail, how different religious beliefs are mobilized in exclusionary and far-right populist rhetoric and practices. Understanding the impact of these developments allows understanding salient discursive shifts in respect to the normalization of illiberalism. This book is a must-read for scholars, students, and laypeople alike.
Olivier Roy, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies European University Institute, 2020
This comprehensive and original book puts a new light on the historically tense relations between religions and liberal values; it shows how religion, in a time of decreasing religious practices, finds a new life through populist and nationalist narratives. A very well needed conceptual approach to the rise of illiberal politics, based on in depth case studies.
Jeff Haynes, Emeritus professor, London Metropolitan University, 2020
The relationship of religion to illiberal politics, especially right-wing populism in both the USA and Europe, is a key topic of political and sociological controversy. This book is detailed, comprehensive and thought-provoking. It identifies common factors, especially anti-Islam and the rise of white supremacy linked to Christianity, as key factors in such expressions of right-wing populism. It is a must-read for anyone interested in one of the most significant political developments in recent years.
Über das Buch

Globale Migrationsbewegungen, Sicherheitsbedrohungen und soziale Umwälzungen haben in den vergangenen Jahren den Aufstieg populistischer rechter Parteien und Bewegungen in Europa und im transatlantischen Raum befördert. Religiöse Akteure stellen potenzielle Allianzpartner für diese Gruppierungen dar. Denn religiöse Interpretationen, etwa die Bezugnahme auf christliche Traditionen, bieten ein Reservoir für die Konstruktion vermeintlich natürlicher Geschlechterordnungen, exkludierender Vorstellungen homogener Nationen und anti-muslimischer Narrative. Dieses Buch analysiert die ideologische, strukturelle und historische Verbindung von Religion und illiberalen Politiken in europäischen Demokratien.

Stimmen zum Buch
Ruth Wodak, Em. Professor Dr DDr h.c. Ruth Wodak, FAcSS, Distinguished Professor and Chair in Discourse Studies, Lancaster University/University Vienna, 2020

Religion has become a most important factor in current political debates and is instrumentalized in various ways globally and glocally, in different countries, always dependent on socio-political interests and historical trajectories. The contributions in this volume illustrate in much detail, how different religious beliefs are mobilized in exclusionary and far-right populist rhetoric and practices. Understanding the impact of these developments allows understanding salient discursive shifts in respect to the normalization of illiberalism. This book is a must-read for scholars, students, and laypeople alike.

Olivier Roy, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies European University Institute, 2020

This comprehensive and original book puts a new light on the historically tense relations between religions and liberal values; it shows how religion, in a time of decreasing religious practices, finds a new life through populist and nationalist narratives. A very well needed conceptual approach to the rise of illiberal politics, based on in depth case studies.

Jeff Haynes, Emeritus professor, London Metropolitan University, 2020

The relationship of religion to illiberal politics, especially right-wing populism in both the USA and Europe, is a key topic of political and sociological controversy. This book is detailed, comprehensive and thought-provoking. It identifies common factors, especially anti-Islam and the rise of white supremacy linked to Christianity, as key factors in such expressions of right-wing populism. It is a must-read for anyone interested in one of the most significant political developments in recent years.

Manuela Caiani, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence, Italy, 2020

Practitioners and scholars have reflected on the interaction between religious and political actors and the potential risk this poses for liberal democracies. These conclusions are mostly based upon speculation. Conversely, with this fascinating book the authors offer a very coherent look on such a fluid subject, as well as conduct a careful empirical examination of a large number of actors in various countries. The book fills major gaps and offers important lessons for both policy makers and academics.

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