E-Books zum Thema Management und Unternehmensführung


Business Culture Design (englische Ausgabe)

Business Culture Design (englische Ausgabe)

Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map

von Simon Sagmeister.

Aus dem en von Joe Paul Kroll


Business Culture Design (englische Ausgabe)

Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map

von Simon Sagmeister.

Aus dem en von Joe Paul Kroll
Über das Buch

Although culture is what gives companies the ability to survive, it is often addressed only after problems have emerged. While it is true that corporate culture cannot be put into numbers, it can be visualized and modeled using the author's Culture Map. The values underlying all corporate cultures are represented in seven colors which combine to form individual patterns. The Culture Map can be used as a basis for successful change and innovation processes, mergers, and integrations. When managers and employees see where they are trying to go, it enables them to take the appropriate decisions and actions.


"This is the perfect (work-)book for those who want to know what makes their organization tick and who want to actively sculpt its success." Carina Kontio, Handelsblatt

"An extensive introduction to the topic of corporate culture with vivid case studies and graphics. Very attractive design and great visual transfer." acquisa

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Mit einem Vorwort von Rita J. King

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