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Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft

Big Tech Must Go!

Big Tech Must Go!

Digital Giants are Destroying our Democracies and Economies – We Will Stop Them

Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft

Big Tech Must Go!

Digital Giants are Destroying our Democracies and Economies – We Will Stop Them

Stimmen zum Buch
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagzeitung
A vigorous manifesto against the power of the tech giants and their abuse.
Martin Andree was the first to scientifically measure the concentraton on the internet. His results worry him so much that he calls for an uprising against the tech companies.
ttt (ARD)
An end to Big Tech - a beautiful, democratic idea.
Über das Buch

Digital monopolies shape ever larger parts of our lives. The platforms are increasingly controlling the public formation of political opinion and at the same time abolishing our free market economy. Digital expert Martin Andree shows in detail how far the hostile takeover of our society by the tech giants has already progressed - and how we could reclaim the Internet.

Stimmen zum Buch
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagzeitung

A vigorous manifesto against the power of the tech giants and their abuse.


Martin Andree was the first to scientifically measure the concentraton on the internet. His results worry him so much that he calls for an uprising against the tech companies.

ttt (ARD)

An end to Big Tech - a beautiful, democratic idea.

Deutsche Welle

Rarely has someone explained the brave new internet world so vividly, named the winners and losers so clearly and pointed out the irrefutable dangers for democracy and the economy like Martin Andree.

Welt am Sonntag

Martin Andree shows very clearly how few companies have hijacked the Internet - and what needs to be done to save democracy.


Martin Andree describes the consequences that Big Tech's concentration of power has on our basic democratic structures and the economy. And he shows how it would be possible to free the internet.


The book is fascinating and a pleasure to read.

Das Journal (NDR Kultur)

Martin Andree sees the big tech companies and their trade secrets as a threat to democracy and the economy. He advocates liberalising the internet.

Business Punk

Anyone who doesn't trust digital monopolies two kilobytes away will feel vindicated here once again. Andree shows how far the tech giants' influence on companies has already progressed, especially outside the USA - very creepy.

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288 Seiten

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