Globalization and Industrial Relations
The Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany and the United Kingdom
Arbeit - Interessen - Partizipation
Globalization and Industrial Relations
The Pharmaceutical Industry in Germany and the United Kingdom
Arbeit - Interessen - Partizipation
Über das Buch
This book fills a desideratum of social science research: Based on a thorough theoretical reflection and a broad empirical analysis the differing impacts of globalization processes on the industrial relations in the ethical pharmaceutical industry in the UK and Germany are presented and evaluated. Different dimensions of economic globalization processes are elaborated their respective influences on industrial relations are discussed. In conclusion, different developmental paths are presented and their validity evaluated. In contrast to the dominating hypotheses of convergence and divergence of industrial relations a differentiated prognosis is proposed.
Am Beispiel der pharmazeutischen Industrie in Deutschland und England zeigt die Studie die Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf die industriellen Beziehungen. Sie verdeutlicht, dass vor allem der Wandel der Eigentümerstrukturen, die steigenden Erwartungen der Finanzinvestoren sowie deren glaubhafte Drohungen, ihre Investitionen auch wieder abzuziehen, die traditionellen Formen der Interessenregulierung maßgeblich verändern.